Sergio C
JUST ADDED! Old Soul, gracefully unleash your authentic power!
Rimini, Italy
6 hours
How I support my clients
Are you wiser than your years, sensitive, caring, curious about the nature of reality and committed to find the answer while also wanting to succed in "real life"? It's possible that, as an Old Soul, you may require some special attention from someone who gets you.
People around you couldn't always understand you and you might have felt out of place, with the depth of your gifts you not always being recognised. I know how lonely it can be sometimes and I also know that you have what it takes to manifest yourself at full capacity, no matter what happened to you.
That's why I'm specialised in helping Old Souls burn their karma by letting go of their blockages with love and compassion, while respecting the intricacies of their souls' journey.
You know, sometimes with great power come great complications!
As an OS, you may have an abundance of gifts, some more worldy like deep empathy or a sharp intellect and some more "spiritual" like seeing auras, having premonitory dreams, clarvoyance, intuitively feel energies, seeing entities, an attitude for realizing spiritual truths...
BUT You can tell that your gifts are being held back by something. In general, you are not experiencing the flow and ease you know you deserve.
You can sense your potential and want to witness it come out in all its glory, yet the methods you tried so far haven't hit the nail.
To me, healing is about unraveling the knots that prevent the right flow of energy in your system.
This is done by releasing blockages stored in your body, which are connected to blockages in your mind and soul.
I'll facilitate your liberation by holding a judgement-free space where you can safely explore even the most controversial aspects of your Self with an open heart, finally welcoming back the missing pieces of your soul.
To your liberation,
Specialties/Areas Sergio Supports:
Health, Money, Purpose/Mission/Impact, Relationship, Spiritual
About Sergio
I started my spiritual path at 17 with my first teacher of tibetan meditation, but I took meditation seriously only when at 22 I started working on my relationship skills: I couldn't relate to women the way i wanted so I started learning how to meet them with openness and vulnerability.
The only way to improve relationships with others is to improve the relationship with yourself, meditation is my favourite way to do that.
This journey brought my need for healing to my attention and forced me to reconnect with my body, which was riddled with illnesses i had been ignoring until then.
So far I managed to heal:
- An incurable illness in my nose for which I previously had 5 surgeries with no definitive results
- Chronic pains in my back and legs
- other pains in my body that couldn't be diagnosed with traditional medical tools
- Obsessions
- Insomnia
- Dysfunctional relationship patterns
- psoriasis
My issues often tend to be complicated: the things i see working for many often don't work for me. My healing demanded me to be resilient and find my own style in doing things. It's a creative process and Ilove helping others find their own.
Some facts about me:
- I got 2 degrees and a diploma in international management, then I became a shaman (i.e. someone who helps you activate your self-healing capabilities), life had other plans for me.
- I love videogames: they helped me get throgh a difficult period of my life and helped my mind get resilient. Healing is a videogame where every layer is just a level to get through and you know you can, you just need to find out how.
- I traveled through colombia, where i learned street chiropractic and hanged out with shamans
- I'm a weird italian: i don't like football, wine, cars while I love inner work, history and martial arts.
Compassion Key: Master
- Tantric Massage Practitioner
Session Price: $180
3 Session Package ($350)
5 Session Package ($800)
Times are CET central Europe time
Mon 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Tue 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Wed 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Thu 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Fri 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Reviews from Sergio 's Clients
I’d call it a journey. The same journey a hero has to take in the moment of his/her defeat to unleash the true power within.
Try it if you want to expand your knowledge about you. We aren’t who we think we are.
Sergio has deep perception and a caring nature. I extremely found the session helpful and I am looking forward to connecting with Sergio again.
Sergio is as attentive as he is versatile. He listens closely and non judgemental. He nailed things that I DID NOT say and was spot on quite a few times. The process with him is therefore really a journey into making the unknown known.
In that journey you won’t be lost because he is not afraid to take the lead and as well not afraid to go on even if his courage to improvise led to a less important scene. He is than agile and ready to adapt so the process can deepen to somewhere really important.
This was not my first session with him and I had quite some breakthroughs. I owe him a lot of progress in my relationships as well as my work areas.
Having received some sessions by real masters like David for example I can say that Sergio is more often than not up at that level.
Sergio C
Send a message explaining your needs and schedule some time on Sergio 's calendar.