Ineke G
Delight In Your Pure Light: Lets Lighten Up Your Enlightenment
Serro da Vinha, Alentejo, Portugal
69 hours
How I support my clients
How about experiencing your true self fully, welcoming your self whole-heartedly home in this life, knowing your purpose here, rising up to your true potential and have crystal clarity on the vision of your mission, expressing your unique gifts from your natural power…
You are a walking miracle and the time has come for you to remember, reconnect and reignite this truth…
Imagine; the day you live the life you truly want, love and are meant to live, is the day that the magic returns for and from you. It’s like reconnecting to the truth of your natural miracle self and the entire universe holds you, responds to you and works through you! Your connection with everything feels like pure bliss… you will manifest things that will bring you pure joy, you will create your unique beauty and it will light you up, your life and the world. To me this is what we’ve come to do and holds the most amazing experience this life has in store for us… being it, sharing it and living it. We are all capable and we are all naturally designed for it.
So why is not naturally happening for us? And why does it seem to be the hardest thing to actually manifest? We are out of trust and out of alignment.
We were all raised and conditioned to live our lives according to limitations; surviving, coping. Our life and what we manifest, for as long as we remember, was configured by these limiting fears, the resistances and the deep self sabotage. Most of it was learned, adopted or just passed on from our family lines, others were inflicted and we have created deep rooted protection mechanisms in order to keep us safe. These parts of us, that served us well then, are in basic terms only protecting us, but in essence hold all the limitations in place. Keeping us from surrendering to the truth of our natural potential. They often reside deep within our subconscious, hard to reach or shift and take over whenever triggers activate them. CK offers the most powerful, direct and divine loving approach in the most safe and peaceful container. This transformational modality reaches, clears, heals and reintegrates these parts throughout the entire karmic levels of our soul. All your parts are important and hold wisdom; reassembling them in alignment to your highest self and as such recreating the whole of you, enables you to live your magical life! You call them all home from your pure light.
You magic is real and you’re all ready. Nothing is meant to hold you back from your true nature, and all your parts, whatever pains and suffering they’ve had to endure are here to help you fulfil your purpose. So when you’re ready to fully reconnect, to experience your natural power and miracle self from a safe, delightful and peaceful space, and call home all parts that are limiting you to your pure light, I’m happy to offer you my gifts in making this happen.
Specialties/Areas Ineke Supports:
Dutch Language, Health, Purpose/Mission/Impact, Relationship, Spiritual
About Ineke
Hi, I’m Ineke, your Pure Light coach
My passion is to transmute all your darkness into natural power and see you unlock your full potential. Your gifts are what the world needs and together we can co-create heaven on earth, this is a big part of our mission I can help you to heal any dysfunctional or self sabotaging patterns in your awakening and enlightenment process, so that you can become the miracle you are meant to be. Let’s start co-creating the magic.
* Single mother of a highly sensitive little angel, travelling through Europe, exploring community life and ultimate freedom
* Born in Belgium, travelled the world, lived in Africa and aiming to travel lots more for the rest of my life
* Belonging and finding a home were my biggest challenges, now excelling in helping others to feel welcome and whole heartedly at home in themselves
* Graduated as an engineer in animal sciences at age 24, aiming to protect mother nature, giving my life and soul to this mission, now helping lightworkers live their true nature, which will make Mother Nature thrive again.
* I love singing/songwriting and create some wisdom channeled into music and chants
* English is my 3rd language - dutch and french my first 2.
* I’m most at home in nature and walking amongst our natural beauty is where you see me smile from the soul * I’m very playful and very sensitive, I often see people’s full potential immediately
* All I give comes from my own lived experience.
Compassion Key: Master
- Compassion Key Circle Leader
- Certified Magnetic Mind Coach & Superconscious Recode Practitioner
- Holy Fire Reiki Master/Teacher
- Theta Healing Practitioner
- Meditation Teacher
- Family Constellation facilitator
- True Self Guide/Coach
Session Price: $150
Initial Consult: 30% off 1ste session with coupon code INEKE30
4 Session Package: $500
10 Session Package: $1111
Lisbon/UK Time Zone
Monday: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
More times are available, please send me a message
Reviews from Ineke 's Clients
As always, a beautiful session with Ineke’, the more we clear, the deeper we go, the more beautiful, graceful & magical the journey is becoming. I am feeling so much gratitude. The shifts, the holding of space, the support is just beyond what I could have expected or Imagined possible and I’m so inspired to be working with Ineke’ & Compassion Key.
Ineke has helped me so much… I deeply appreciate her. She is intuitive, and insightful and wise. I love working with her.
As always another beautiful session with Ineke’. Every session is transformational. I am loving finding more and more of my true self each time… & the beautiful insights and information that continue for days after the session. Layers of resistance keeping melting away and revealing so many forgotten truths and gifts. I am loving this journey with Ineke’ guiding,?facilating , holding this magical space for all of this journey back to my truth to unfold.
Dear Ineke’
A Review
I am full of gratitude for finding Ineke’ (In Pure Light). I trusted that I would find the right Master CK practioner to help me along my journey. I couldn’t have imagined the gifts that would reveal themselves through Ineke’s masterful work. The wonderful session’s that I’ve experienced with Ineke’ has been truly astoundingly transformational. I’ve found parts of me lost, wounded and long forgotten. Ineke’ has helped me journey to find who I truly am. I didn’t expect or know it was possible to have access to seeing my own past lives with clarity and as well as recovering,, releasing , & clearing, there have also been beautiful spiritual gifts to find and embrace. Ineke’ is a beautiful, powerful, masterful light worker. I feel that I’m coming home to myself and finding my true soul family. And I’m so delighted to have found her.
Ineke is on a level of understanding, love and compassion that people spend lifetimes trying to attain. Her gifts are almost too much too put into words. She is truly talented and has made a huge difference in my life.
Absolutely fantastic!
This was my 5th session with Ineke. We had decided to go deep and so met 2x week for 2 weeks. And we went deep. Ineke’s guidance, wisdom, and ability to intuit and see into things were incredibly helpful. Her encouragement for me to do my part of the work…was liberating. Her compassion and dedication got me to and through the thing that has kept me bound for lifetimes…to the answers I have been seeking for 40+ years. I am free at last and am so deeply grateful!
Ineke is helping me get to some deep roots and clearing them…things I’ve “worked” at for a long time. I am so grateful!
The work Ineke is doing with me is deep and profound. She radiates gentle compassion. Her intuitive ability is strong and bolsters my confidence and trust. She goes the extra 10 miles down the road, and that blesses me so very much! Thank you, Ineke.
Ineke supported me in setting intension for our session to remove what has continued to block me. Together we identified this, and began the work remove the blocks and fully reconnect me to my life force. Ineke’s wisdom, intuition, compassion and support blessed me and helped me to open up to what is possible.
I felt very safe and accepted doing Compassion key with Ineke.
Wow…another great session! I feel transformed! Reclaiming my light and reconnecting to all light beings across the cosmos through all lifetime/timelines has touched and altered every part of my being. I feel so much freedom physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! I’ve been aware this wound existed, but I did not know its depth and span until today. This is the first time in my life and 25 years of seeking healing and working with practitioners that I’ve felt safe enough to open up and heal at this level. It is the first time I’ve felt so included in my own healing journey. Ineke is an amazingly graceful soul that holds such sacred space in which to allow yourself to melt into the healing and just let go! She is also a very gifted intuitive that knows how to interpret and guide the process so beautifully. I cannot express the depth of my gratitude for having been lead to her! I feel so very blessed!!
Ineke was very gentle and compassionate. I felt accepted the way I am. I like her calm and uplifting energy.
Ineke was an intuitive choice as it was my very first 1 on 1 compassion key process.
She was kind, gentle and open which made it very easy to be vulnerable and get right into the session.
The session itself was fantastic and opened up many insights, touching old raw subjects, but integrating gently.
I loved it.
It was great to meet Ineke and experience her sharp intuition and kind heart.
She knew to bring in a very important component of the karmic imprint that I didn’t know was there, and so she helped me shift something that was in my blind spot and free lots of stuck energy.
I’m looking forward to seeing the benefits in my life.
Thank you so much!
Ineke is amazing. Intuitive and easy to open up with. She helped me to see things in a whole new way. I will be booking more sessions with her. Part way through my session I felt like we freed so much heavy energy. I’m grateful to her.
Ineke made me feel safe and heard. Her heart is truly beautiful. I’m really grateful for her gentleness and intuition at guiding me to the real issue. She knew exactly what I needed, and seemed to effortlessly lead me to peace.
Ineke G was amazing, I felt at ease with her and felt very held in her presence. She was very intuitive and knew exactly what I needed and what phrases were relevant to me. I was able to move through something during the session and had a release of tears. I highly recommend having a session with her, so much love and presence which are the foundation for any shifts to take place. Thank you❤️
I had an amazing session with Ineke, she guided me through it so well, and made me feel so safe and comfortable. I am so grateful to her that she helped me let go of some of my deepest fears. I am in awe of how much one can shed in just one session! Thank you!
It was amazing how she knew exactly where and how to guide me through my past decisions and hurdles and see exactly what was needed to be released in order for me to get from being stuck in inaction, postponing showing my gifts because of childhood struggles. Her intervention was spot on, with soothing calmness and the joy I felt at the end was something I was longing for in the last 2 years.
I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Ineke! I can’t wait to celebrate my victories with you!
I had a very powerful session today with Ineke (still feeling the the deep shifts taking place). I experienced Ineke as an experienced CK therapist who embodies compassion thoroughly and who was able to open doors that were long shut. Ineke’s empathy and compassion allowed a peaceful space in which vulnerability felt safe.
My recommendation to anyone who wants to get to the core of their issues.
Elke sessie is weer ongelooflijk diepgaand. Vanaf de eerste keer, had er geen ervaring mee. Rustig en fijne sessies altijd compleet ontspannen. Samen met Ineke heel veel kunnen realiseren. Ik voel me zo geweldig en herboren, er zijn eigenlijk geen woorden voor de transformatie. Ik kan bij haar echt elk onderwerp aangaan, zoveel veiligheid en gemak, hoe gevoelig het ook is, voelt altijd goed. Kan iedereen Ineke van harte aanraden! Het is niet eng of ongemakkelijk: Ineke is zo professioneel hierin. Echt hele bijzondere ervaringen, kijk uit naar meer sessies – Dankjwel
De sessie was diep en niet gemakkelijk.
Telkens een laag dieper en een laag die toch nog liever de controle wou houden en niet makkelijk wilde ontvangen.
Heel fijn dat het toch gelukt is en dat ik me weer mijn ware zelf voel zijn, diepe inzichten weer. Super bedankt!
Deze sessie gaf mij helder en duidelijke weer dat alle gevoelens en alle gewonde stukken met evenveel liefde en aandacht mogen worden gezien en erkend! Of dit nu leuk is of niet, of ik nu liever hard blijf naar deze stukken of niet, De liefde en compassie is de enige weg naar heelheid. Het is heel fijn om nu samen met mijn hogere zelf alle stukken te behandelen.
Ook het besef dat mij hogere zelf er altijd is en naast me staat voor steun en advies! ik kijk er naar uit om mijn hogere zelf te gaan belichamen straks, het is immers wie ik werkelijk kan zijn!
Dankzij deze sessie heb ik mijn hoogste potentieel mogen ervaren en kunnen zien wat mijn missie is. Heel bijzonder om de persoon en het gevoel en de zijnskracht te mogen ervaren. Een enorme motivatie!
Het is een mooie duw in mijn rug om mijn ware zelf te laten groeien en ontwikkelen en uit te stralen. Ik kan het voelen door mijn hele lichaam, dit fijne licht en de liefde en steun!
nog nooit heb ik zoveel verandering ervaren in mijn leven. Dingen waar ik de hoop eigenlijk al op had verloren stromen weer. Mijn ouders die naar me toekomen en opeens vertellen hoeveel spijt ze hebben en me dromen gunnen. Terwijl ervoor ze alleen ma tegen hielden en kritiek hadden. Ook de schuldgevoelens of andere neerhalende gedachte die ik altijd heb gehad voelen anders vrijer. Ik heb nu enkele sessies gehad van ineke en me leven is echt anders rustiger beter gelukkiger. Ik voel me echt zelf weer in alles wat ik doe zonder alle lastige stukken waar ik behoorlijk van afgezien
super sessie
she is warm, patient, and very kind. she has this wonderful grounded presence that allowed me to open up straight away and connect to the wounded aspect that required my attention. thank you so much Ineke, it was a beautiful session.
ik had weer een heleboel issues die zich lieten zien…
Een lijst van vragen die ik kon noteren.
De sessie heeft alles gecoverde!
Bijzonder hoe in 1 sessie zoveel onduidelijkheid, helder word en rustig.
Na 3 dagen slecht slapen en veel moeite hebben met de stemmen in mijn hoofd. Kan ik nu weer genieten van een geheeld deel en weet ik dat ik hier nooit meer op dezelfde manier last van ga krijgen…
Ik heb me nog niet eerder zo goed gevoeld.
Het samenbrengen van de delen in mij voelt als de grootse opluchting ooit- Dankjewel Ineke!!!
I`ll be back
Deze sessie was weer ongelooflijk
Dankzij ineke haar krachten konden we rustig een onderwerp behandelen wat wel gevoelig is.
Het was een fijne sessie met haar.
Die ervaring met het onderwerp niet eerder gehad bij andere hulpen.
Na deze sessie voel ik me uitgestippeld en organiseer veel kracht om door te gaan.
Het bijzondere aan deze sessie is dat de behoefte aan slechte gewoontes de drang daar na toe heel stuk minder is!
I’ve done so much Compassion key healing work on myself and with support from lots of other amazing healers and facilitators and it’s always powerful, but this session with Ineke was something else entirely!
I experienced a tremendous breakthrough and a physical release on a whole new level. Ineke recognised and unlocked a deep pattern that continues to allow me to heal in a very different way.
Ineke is a beautiful, gentle, yet powerful soul who shines her light and compassion so brightly she gets results in a safe, calm, peaceful and impactful way. I felt beautifully held and seen throughout the session and beyond.
Dit was mijn allereerste keer om iets als dit te ervaren, achteraf zeker overtuigd van het effect. Een magische ervaring aan het kampvuur voor mij. Meer ruimte en positieve kracht.
The session with Ineke was amazing. The compassian key is really wonderfull and Ineke works with great ease and softeness. She makes it save and easy to get there. I really recommend her✨
Dit keer wilde ik graag werken op de overname van paniek en angst als ik fouten maak of als situaties plotseling veranderen en ik geen controle meer heb over mezelf. Ik kan dan niet meer slapen of word ongelooflijk boos. De sessie bracht me helderheid en ik zag het innerlijke conflict letterlijk voor mijn ogen. We hebben dit volledig kunnen transformeren op een liefdevolle manier… Ik heb gezweet, getrild en sinds de sessie alleen nog maar viezigheid zitten loslaten – WoW! ik voel me gereinigd, herboren, gerust gesteld, krachtig en zeker van mezelf. Ik merk ook dat alles vlot gaat, alsof de energie nu met me meewerkt ipv tegen en dat brengt ongelooflijk veel kracht en motivatie – ik heb nog nooit zoveel geslapen… magisch dit ! Super bedankt
Ik had enorme last van mijn hart – zeer zwaar en geblikkerd gevoel fysiek in en om mijn hartgebied.
Ik was onrustig en kon maar niet achterhalen wat de oorzaak was. Na de sessie was mijn hart weer volledig rustig, open en stromend. Voel me weer helemaal happy.
Ik kampte ook met een diepe pijn omtrent mezelf zijn. Ik heb me levenslang aangepast aan de verwachtingen van anderen. Ineke heeft me geholpen al de delen die hier in vast zaten weer te bevrijden en ik kon duidelijk merken dat ik nu zelf weer de keuze heb om mezelf te zijn, wie ik ben en vanuit mijn kracht.
Dankjewel voor de super sessie – dit is jouw magie
Het is gewoon bijna niet te geloven hoe voor de sessie alles tegen zit en na de sessie de wereld aan m’n voeten ligt en alles gewoon goed gaat.
Overvloed komt naar me toe.
Ineke G
30% Off First Session With Coupon Code INEKE30
Send a message explaining your needs and schedule some time on Ineke's calendar.